Sunday 21 February 2016

Why NOT going to uni was the best decision I ever made

It was 2011, I was in my final year of college and entering details onto my UCAS application. I'd always been quite academic throughout education, acheiving high grades in school, and pretty good A-levels. But the thought of this application filled me with... mostly boredom to be honest. I enjoyed my time in education, but decided that despite what my teachers wanted me to do, this application wasn't going any further.

I soon realised that I actually really liked learning french, and rather than sit in a classroom reciting conjugation tables, I'd much rather be in france, talking with french people, eating cheese and drinking wine. So that's what I did, and lived there for 2 and a half years on and off.

 There's an ever growing pressure on young people to make choices at 15/16/17 years old that will affect the rest of their lives. And, yes it's important. But so is finding out what you enjoy, experiencing life, struggling and overcoming. Some of these experiences you can get from university, but the "life" bit you often can't. Here are the reasons for me personally which made me glad for my choices:

 I have work experience
I've worked in retail, in a call centre, as a french speaking administrator, worked with finances, worked as a kitchen assistant, a housekeeper, a bar manager, web content writer. I've seen just about every kind of customer and every kind of colleague. Nothing too exciting, but all stuff that is going to help me get whatever job I want wherever in the world. Note I said "job I want"... I do not want to be a lawyer, IT specialist, veterinarian or anything else you need a degree for. If I decide I do... then I'll go for it. Working for a company (usually big ones like John Lewis, Tesco, PGL etc) offer great opportunities to progress in a career, which can help you throughout life - for example, I've seen more jobs specify the need for "manager experience" rather than "a degree in parapsychology or surf science".

I've had a blast
One of the things that attracted me and many other students to university was the social aspect. But without uni I've had such a good time since leaving college. I've made friends all over the country that I wouldn't otherwise know. I'm now about to embark on my biggest adventure yet - a year in Australia - and can't wait for the fun that lies ahead.

I have money
I've saved since I got my first job at 17. I have no loans. I don't waste money on cigarettes and only buy the occassional drink. But I have enough to enjoy life, spend on things I don't need, buy a car and a property in spain and still have some left over. I learnt the value of money without the pressure of student friends and lifestyle making me rince my account.

I've been places
In the last 4 years I've visited 9 different countries and found out how much I love to travel and see new places, and learnt how to do it without breaking the bank.

No exam stress
Strangely enough, in college I was the weird kid who kinda enjoyed writing essays. That said, no-one likes the pressure of trying to think, write and answer in a way that the exam board wants you to -  having a consequence on your grade (and your life as your teachers will try to tell you). That's not to say I've been stress-free. I suffered from depression for the best part of 7 months or so. But I couldn't imagine having to study and take exams on top of that.

I found love
This one kind of trumps everything else to be honest. I found a person who I liked enough to say "Yes, this one's mine" and luckily he said the same about me. It's the best feeling in the world :D

I can do my own washing
You laugh, but I genuinely know students who cannot do their own laundry or who can't cook without burning the house down.

I'm business minded 
You don't need a degree for people to give you their money. I started by making my hobby into a little earner with a bit of freelance videography. My partner and I are both business minded, and when we're ready to focus on something after travelling, I don't doubt that we'll make a lot of dough with the ideas we have. 

Now I'm not saying that uni is a bad thing. No no no no no we need smartasses to make the world go round. Especially for specific professions (everyone please become a doctor now!). But for me, I'm glad I made the choices I did. Too many people I know went on to study something because they thought they had to, and now regret the wasted money and effort. I would consider it better to pursue your chosen career when you know what it is. If you have an interest and skill that you'd like to turn into a career by studying it at depth, then perfect! You are what uni is for. A degree is an asset, and should be treated as something that will make you more money in the long run, and not eat up your money, life and soul like the very hungry caterpillar.

I'd love to know what other people think. If uni was the best thing that ever happened to you, or you regret it, or you're thinking about going. Leave a comment or just shout in my face. Whatever.

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